Impact100 Macomb Business Sponsorship
Sponsoring Impact100 Macomb is a great opportunity to support women in your organization and give back to our local community.
Your sponsorship dollars can be used to provide Impact100 Macomb memberships for women in your organization, and 100% of these membership dues go directly toward Impact100 Macomb’s annual nonprofit grant award.
Click Here to Become a Sponsor
Note: online payment for corporate sponsorship amounts include estimated credit card processing fees. If you would like to pay via check, send a check with your business name and the names of your sponsored members to Impact100 Macomb County at P.O. Box 380227, Clinton Township, MI 48038. (Platinum = $7,700, Gold = $5,500, Silver = $3,300, Copper = $1,100).
Business Sponsorship Levels
This sponsorship supports seven voting memberships into Impact100 Macomb County.
These seven memberships will be included in the “110% Club” membership recognition, where 10% goes towards administrative needs of the organization.
Logo recognition on website as a Platinum Level supporter of Impact 100 Macomb County.
Logo/name recognition at Grant Reveal event.
Logo/name recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Grant Awards Selection event.
Logo/name recognition at one Volunteer activity member event
Opportunity to host a member mixer at your Macomb county business.
Complimentary tickets to select future events
This sponsorship supports five voting memberships into Impact 100 Macomb County.
These five memberships will be included in the “110% Club” membership recognition, where 10% goes towards administrative needs of the organization.
Logo recognition on website as a Gold Level supporter of Impact 100 Macomb County.
Logo/name recognition at Grant Reveal event.
Logo/name recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Grant Awards Selection event.
Opportunity to host a member mixer at your Macomb county business.
Complimentary tickets to select future events
This sponsorship supports three voting memberships into Impact 100 Macomb County.
These three memberships will be included in the “110% Club” membership recognition, where 10% goes towards administrative needs of the organization.
Logo recognition on website as a Silver Level supporter of Impact 100 Macomb County.
Logo/name recognition at Grant Reveal event.
Logo/name recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Grant Awards Selection event.
This sponsorship supports one voting membership into Impact 100 Macomb County.
This membership will be included in the “110% Club” membership recognition, where 10% goes towards administrative needs of the organization.
Logo recognition on website as a Copper Level supporter of Impact 100 Macomb County.